August Spotlight Driver: Wil Alameida

Wil Alameida is charismatic, admirable, and passionate about spending time with his son. Alameida always has a smile on his face and always seems to be willing to help out a fellow driver with any RC related questions he/she may have. Growing up with Matchbox cars and his cherished RadioShack cars, Wil was destined to get in to the RC Car world. He's been off road racing for nearly 4 years, but it's safe to say he has been doing RC on and off since 1997. 

The Line Up 

It all started with an HPI Savage, then a HPI 5t, which he would just bash around in the driveway at home. It wasn't until he came across The Track in Gaithersburg, Maryland in 2013. It only took one step in to a racing facility for Alameida to get hooked. His RC Car collection is impressive, as he currently owns six cars. 

  1. E-Buggy (Tekno)
  2. 4WD SCT (Tekno)
  3. 2WD Mod SCT (Pro2)
  4. 2WD Mod SCT (Traxxas)
  5. 2WD Mod Buggy
  6. 1/16 4WD Buggy

At the moment, He primarily races two classes. Those being 1/8th E-Buggy and Four Wheel Drive Short Course (4WD SCT). 

Building Character

"I believe that edusportsonline/Driving is great for people to get into, because it is a hobby that the entire family can be involved in. As well as teach our young (and old) ones how to win and lose with modesty and character. Additionally, it teaches children about responsibility and common sense. Which I feel are important lessons in this day and age."  

It is not very often that you will run into Alameida at the race track without a kid with him. For Wil this is the ultimate way to do what he loves while spending quality time with loved ones.

"I really enjoy having my girlfriend's children and of course my son involved in racing RC cars. Its really a great family hobby, and teaches the kids a lot of good responsibility and sense of pride when they make accomplishments! Our goals are to make clean laps, not crashing into other people, and being good marshalls. Because we always want to have good marshalls, and appreciate it in return on the drivers stand. :) " 

Remember when I told you Alameida was admirable? That's why. For him this sport goes beyond the surface level. It's not just about the racing and cars. For Alameida it's about being a great role model for his son and his girlfriend's children. He wants to help them build character and he truly cares about teaching the future generation of RC racing how to be good sportsmen. 

His RC Car Routine & Advice for Beginners 

We asked Alameida what he would tell himself if he could back in time to the first time he walked up on that driver's stand and his advice is simple yet extremely effective. 

"If I could go back in time to the beginning of my RC racing career, I would say “SLOW DOWN! You’re a Ferrari with no road map! Slow down, hit your marks, and keep the car rubber down.” " 

Wil has a goal to make it out to the track for practice at least once a week. "If I don’t get to make my way to the track, I am constantly trying different setups in the driveway, and of course maintenance is continuous." He tries to make it out to 3 races a month and 4 on a good month.

"Ugh, if I could I would already be a professional, and race non-stop!"

In regards to preferred brands he is a dedicated Tekno RC supporter. Alameida states how he is impressed with their customer service and their mentality that "there is always room for improvement." #bigfan  Another fun fact about Wil is that he is a Pro-Line Team driver and loves their tires. 

Distance Will not Stop Him 

The farthest Alameida has ever gone to race is Hartville, OH. What's in Hartville you may ask? NEORCRC! 

"This track is interesting, because technically it is just over 6 hours away from my home. However, it was only about 30 mins from my sons’ grandparents. When I would travel out there to visit family, I was lucky enough to get out to this facility and it was a great place, and very fast competition."

Last Minute Details Alameida would like to Include...

"I would very much like to thank Adrenaline RC for their great facility and outstanding hospitality. I hope this hobby can reach out to more young racers, and get the chance to make it out to the Young Guns races. Its my personal favorite to see the kids smiling faces on the drivers stand, and having the time of their lives!"

We are very fortunate to have a driver like Wil Alameida at our Track! He's been coming to our track since we opened almost a year ago! 


Rapid Fire! 

  1. Electric or Nitro?
I am all electric at the moment! Even though I do own a Nitro Buggy, but it has proven to be a little too much to handle with getting the little ones situated, and their cars race ready.
  1. Pro-Line or AKA?
All Pro-Line for me!! #teamdriver :) 
  1. Kit or Pre-Built?
I prefer kits. Simply because I enjoy the self-gratification of making something with my own hands. Additionally, I like to put my own little touches on setup and prepping. For example, shocks are a very big part of setup, and I like to make mine a specific way. :-D
  1. Dirt or Road?
I am a complete off-road guy.
  1. Track Racing or Rock Crawling?
I have raced solely on the track, but there is a lot of curiosity about rock crawling. It definitely seems like there is more to rock crawling that just driving on rocks. (haha)
  1. Racing or Practicing?
Both racing and practicing are important in my opinion. Practice helps to try different setups, and figure out the track, etc. Racing is also key in being able to stay consistent in high stress situations, and maintain composure.
  1. Lipo or NiMH?
Lipo!! Way more runtime, and POWER!
  1. Big air or keeping it tight?
Combo of big air and keeping it tight! Big air for those Awesome “Capt Merika” air passes, and keep it tight to shed tenths off that lap time!
  1. 1:10 Scale or 1:8 Scale?
Both 1/10 and 1/8 are awesome to me! Each has their own unique qualities.
  1. Buggy, Short Course or Truggy?







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